
A simple icon of a calendar
Feb 9
Mar 8, 2015
Duffy Square
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Brooklyn-based design studio Stereotank’s design was selected for the 2015 Times Square Valentine Heart. Times Square Alliance partnered with The Architectural League of New York and invited architecture and design firms to submit proposals for a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square. For the 2015 competition, the distinguished Selection Panel selected Stereotank's HeartBeat out of seven design proposals.This engagement sculpture consisted of a massive heart glowing to the rhythm of a strong, deep and low frequency heartbeat sound and visitors are encouraged to move around and engage with it by playing various percussion instruments. The audience is invited to come together and creatively play, listen, dance and feel the vibrations of the heart while enjoying the warm pulsating light.In the emblematic and relentless atmosphere of Times Square HeartBeat orchestrated multiple rhythms into a unique urban concert."What's common between Love and Music? Love is about sharing and being ‘in tune’ with somebody, so it is the creation of music, a concert is a combined action where the performers are also ‘in tune’ creating harmony. Heartbeat orchestrates Times Square's unique, active, flickering atmosphere." - Sara Valente and Marcelo Ertorteguy of StereotankStereotank transformed their design HeartBeat into innovative public seating complementing the iconic Duffy Square red steps. The design was then called HeartSeat, and was available for sitting between March 3 and March 8 on Father Duffy Square, between 46th and 47th Street. This project was in partnership with The Architectural League of New York. The transformation is highlighted as part of Armory Arts Week 2015.Fabrication: Integrated Industries CorporationLighting, sound & interaction design: Arup (Team: Stephanie Hillegas, Terence Caulkins)Structural engineering: Silman (Team: Nat Oppenheimer, Eytan Solomon, Matthew Lytle)Contractor: Craft Workshop + Mark Brady ContractingTo view other 2015 Times Square Valentine Heart Design finalists, please click here.#HeartBeatTSqPhotographs by Clint Spaulding for @TSqArts

Public Programming

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Brooklyn-based design studio Stereotank’s design was selected for the 2015 Times Square Valentine Heart. Times Square Alliance partnered with The Architectural League of New York and invited architecture and design firms to submit proposals for a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square. For the 2015 competition, the distinguished Selection Panel selected Stereotank's HeartBeat out of seven design proposals.This engagement sculpture consisted of a massive heart glowing to the rhythm of a strong, deep and low frequency heartbeat sound and visitors are encouraged to move around and engage with it by playing various percussion instruments. The audience is invited to come together and creatively play, listen, dance and feel the vibrations of the heart while enjoying the warm pulsating light.In the emblematic and relentless atmosphere of Times Square HeartBeat orchestrated multiple rhythms into a unique urban concert."What's common between Love and Music? Love is about sharing and being ‘in tune’ with somebody, so it is the creation of music, a concert is a combined action where the performers are also ‘in tune’ creating harmony. Heartbeat orchestrates Times Square's unique, active, flickering atmosphere." - Sara Valente and Marcelo Ertorteguy of StereotankStereotank transformed their design HeartBeat into innovative public seating complementing the iconic Duffy Square red steps. The design was then called HeartSeat, and was available for sitting between March 3 and March 8 on Father Duffy Square, between 46th and 47th Street. This project was in partnership with The Architectural League of New York. The transformation is highlighted as part of Armory Arts Week 2015.Fabrication: Integrated Industries CorporationLighting, sound & interaction design: Arup (Team: Stephanie Hillegas, Terence Caulkins)Structural engineering: Silman (Team: Nat Oppenheimer, Eytan Solomon, Matthew Lytle)Contractor: Craft Workshop + Mark Brady ContractingTo view other 2015 Times Square Valentine Heart Design finalists, please click here.#HeartBeatTSqPhotographs by Clint Spaulding for @TSqArts



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Times Square

Broadway between 46th & 47th Sts

New York, NY 10036

A simple icon of a calendar
Photography Credit



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