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Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente, Venezuelan New York-based architects founded Stereotank to experiment with the common grounds between architecture, art and sound. Their focus lies on the research, design and construction of immersive installations in urban settings for the public engagement, often using found objects (or rather sought objects) as raw materials with the intention of exploring their re-configuration and their sound properties in space as another dimension of the material.Stereotank has participated in public art programs and festivals working with organizations such as the Architectural League and Pen World Voices for the Nolita Little Free Library in NYC, Kobe Biennale in Japan -receiving a honorable mention for the Cargo Guitar project, the Department of Transportation in NYC with the Cyclo-phone installation and Mall-terations project, Zooart in Italy, Bring to Light in Brooklyn and Make Music New York.

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