Steve Lambert

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Steve Lambert's father, a former Franciscan monk, and mother, an ex-Dominican nun, imbued him with the values of dedication, study, poverty and service to others - qualities which prepared him for life as an artist.Lambert made international news after the 2008 U.S. election with The New York Times "Special Edition," a replica announcing the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other good news. He is the founder of the Center for Artistic Activism, the Anti-Advertising Agency, Add-Art (a Firefox add-on that replaces advertising with art) and SelfControl (which blocks grownups from distracting websites so they can get work done).Lambert's projects and art works have won awards from Prix Ars Electronica, Rhizome/The New Museum, and others. Lambert's work has been featured in over fourteen books, four documentary films, and is in the collections of The Sheldon Museum and The Library of Congress. Lambert has discussed his work live on NPR, the BBC, and CNN, and been reported on internationally in outlets including the Associated Press, the New York Times, and the Guardian.Lambert was a Senior Fellow at New York's Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology from 2006-2010 and is an Assistant Professor at SUNY Purchase. Lambert is a perpetual autodidact with (if it matters) advanced degrees from a reputable art school and respected state university. He dropped out of high school in 1993.

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