Presented by The New York Comedy Festival, Paulie's Dinner combines the flavor of an old-school variety show with today's best comedians. Inspired by the fun loving, you never know what is going to happen, feel of supper club shows of the 50s and 60s this one of a kind night showcases stand-up comedy, crooners, a cast of surprise characters and more. Featuring Sal “The Voice” Valentinetti and his big band along with some of the best comedians working today to be announced soon!
Your wishes will be added to the confetti that flutters down in the heart of Times Square on New Year's Eve! Each year, people from around the planet include their wishes for the new year on pieces of official Times Square New Year's Eve confetti, either digitally or in person.
221 W 46th St
New York, NY 10036
Check Event Website
221 W 46th St
New York, NY 10036
Check Event Website