“Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: In Concert” transports fans to the Goblin City with an exciting fusion of live music paired with Jim Henson’s fantasy musical masterpiece Labyrinth, the feature film starring Jennifer Connolly and the iconic David Bowie, presented on a large HD cinema screen.
Labyrinth’s loyal and steadfast cult following has grown over the decades since the film’s theatrical release on June 27, 1986. Audiences are invited to experience an epic evening as a live band performs in sync with the movie featuring Bowie’s original vocals, and playing the songs and the score from the soundtrack composed by Bowie and Trevor Jones.
Black Ink Presents is known for its extensive history of breathing new life into iconic films with symphonies, orchestras, or bands live on stage, including Batman, Ghostbusters, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Rocketman, La La Land, and more.
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123 West 43rd St
New York, NY 10036
Music & Concerts
Starts at $55.25
123 West 43rd St
New York, NY 10036
Starts at $55.25