Sebastian Errazuriz

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Chilean born, New York based artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz was raised in London and obtained a design degree in Santiago. He later received his Master’s in Fine Arts from New York University. He currently lives and works in New York.Sebastian Errazuriz has received international acclaim for his singular and provocative works on a variety of areas and disciplines. His work usually invites the viewer to look again at realities that were often hidden in front of their own eyes.At the age of 28, he became the second living South American artist to have work auctioned at Sotheby’s Important Twentieth Century Design. In 2007, Errazuriz was selected one of the top emerging international designers by I.D. Magazine. In 2010, he received the title of Chilean Designer of the Year.In 2011 he was selected for the Compasso d’ Oro and at the end of that year his work was the talk of Design Miami Basel.In 2014, Sebastian's work was subject of a retrospective exhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Art. His work has also been exhibited alongside the most celebrated designers, architects and artists at The Helsinki Museum of Contemporary ArtCopper Hewitt, The Cooper Hewitt National Museum of Design in New York, The Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam, The Vitra Museum in Weil AM Rheim in Germany, The Museum of Art and Design in New York, The Bellevue Arts Museum in Washington, The Mint Museum in Charlotte, The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, and the National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago.Sebastian’s work has been featured on multiple magazine covers and received critical acclaim from The New York Times, The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. In addition, his work has been featured in mainstream TV in BBC, CNN, ABC, and NY1. Many of Sebastian's projects have gone viral, generating tens of millions of search results and captivating the interest of the international community.Multiple books and catalogues feature his projects and his first monograph The Journey of Sebastian Errazuriz was published and distributed internationally by Gestalten in 2012.For more, follow on Instagram: @sebastianstudio

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